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You can easily create Scheduled Tasks for your application by specifying a cronjobs block.


  - name: reaper
    schedule: "cron(0 9 * * ? *)"
    command: ["bundle", "exec", "rake", "cron:whatever"]


In addition to the fields listed below, you can also specify anything in Common Task Options.

name - (required)

Unique name for your cron job. This will be used to create the schedule on EventBridge Scheduler. This should be a short identifier with only letters, numbers, dash or underscore.

schedule - (required)

The schedule expression that is used to determine when your task runs. This can be either a cron expression, a rate expression, or a one-time expression.

Expression format: EventBridge Cron/Rate Expressions

command - (recommended)

The command you want to run for this cronjob.

This field is not required, but it doesn't make much sense to exclude it. For details on how to specify a command, see Specifying Command/EntryPoints


An optional description that will be added to the schedule. Any string is valid here.

Default: none


Create this cronjob, but do not enable it. It will not run.

Default: false


Sets the time zone used when interpreting the schedule expression.

This should be an IANA Timezone Identifier like UTC or America/Los_Angeles.

Default: none (AWS will default to UTC)


You can set a cron to start evaluating after a specific date if needed.

If provided, must be in RFC 3339 format.

Default: none


Stop executing the cron job after the given date.

If provided, must be in RFC 3339 format.

Default: none

<anything from common>

See Common Task Options.

See Also